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Maven Compiler Plugin (maven-compiler-plugin)


Compiles java source code

  • Sets character encoding for source files to utf-8

GMavenPlus Plugin (gmavenplus-plugin)


Integrates Groovy language with Maven Allows compiling and running of Groovy


addSourcesadd groovy source files to project source directories
compilecompiles groovy source code
addTestSourcesadd test source files to project's test source directories
compileTestscompiles groovy test code

Maven Surefire Plugin (maven-surefire-plugin)


<argLine> -Dcustom=${oktest.env} -Doktest.env=${oktest.env} </argLine>

Executes unit tests


includesWhat to include in test
systemPropertiesSets system properties for test execution
argLineAdditional arguments to`JVM



Tells Maven which files should be included in the final build artifacts

  • e.g., JAR or WAR

Case study




-Dcustom=${oktest.env} -Doktest.env=${oktest.env}

<delete dir="src/main/resources/projects/config/currentconfig"/>
<delete dir="${}/projects/config/currentconfig" />
<copy todir="src/main/resources/projects/config/currentconfig">
<fileset dir="src/main/resources/projects/config/test-SwimlaneEnvs"/>
<copy todir="${}/projects/config/currentconfig">
<fileset dir="src/main/resources/projects/config/test-SwimlaneEnvs"/>

How a specific profile's <build> interacts with the main <build>


  1. Default Activation: Because the swimlane profile is active by default, its build actions will execute whenever you run a Maven build (mvn clean install, mvn package, etc.).

  2. Early Execution: The maven-antrun-plugin is configured to run in the compile phase. This means its actions will be executed before the main <build> section's actions, which typically occur later in the lifecycle (like test, package, etc.).

  3. Configuration Replacement: The maven-antrun-plugin effectively overrides the configuration files used during compilation and testing. The properties and XML files originally in src/main/resources/projects/config/currentconfig will be replaced with those from src/main/resources/projects/config/test-SwimlaneEnvs.

Key Points

  • Purpose: The swimlane profile seems to be designed to streamline the use of a specific test configuration. By activating it by default and executing early in the build, it ensures that the test configuration is in place before your code is compiled or tested.
  • Customization: If you want to use a different configuration (e.g., for production), you'd either deactivate this profile or create a new profile with a different maven-antrun-plugin configuration to copy in the appropriate files.


  • Gemini