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  • Mechanisms for preventing frequency of an operation from exceeding some constraint

  Why Used

  • Protecting shared services from excessive use - maintain service availability
  • On both server (limit on consumption) and client

  Use Cases

  Prevents resource starvation

  • Problem in concurrent computing where a process is perpetually denied necessary resources to process its work
  • Friendly DDOS
  • Use case: Friendly API - underlying DB

  Managing policies and quotas

  • Quotas - rate and allocation limits
  • Can be applied to users
  • Ways of applying rate limits
    • Over long period of time
    • Quantity allocated

  Controlling flow

  • Merging streams into single service
  • Distributing work stream to multiple workers

  Avoiding excess costs

  • Prevent underlying resources that are capable of auto-scaling from spending too much $


  • Context: chain or mesh of services - many nodes can be both clients and servers
  • Each part can choose to
    • No rate limiting strategy
    • One or more in different ways
  • Client should be engineered to react appropriately even if rate limiting is implemented entirely on server side
  • Considerations
    • Fail Open vs Fail Close
      • Requires knowledge about client retry techniques

  Server Side

    No Rate Limiting

  • Robust error handling error in system
  • Understand what users will receive in those situations
  • Ensure:
    • No sensitive data leaked
    • Useful error codes provided
  • Useful mechanisms:
    • Timeouts
    • Deadlines
    • Circuit breaking patterns

    Pass Through

  • Call other services to fulfill requests
  • Pass rate limiting signal from those services to caller
  • Options
    • Forward rate limiting response from downstream service to caller
    • Enforce rate limits on behalf of service and block the caller
  • Status code 429

    Enforce Rate Limits

  • Most common
  • When downstream service has no way to protect itself (e.g. Legacy systems)
  • Considerations:
    • Understand why it is being applied
    • Determine which attributes of the request to use as limiting key
      • Source IP, User, API Key etc.
    • Use limiting key to track usage (reached => return limiting signal 429 HTTP response)

    Defer response

  • When to use:
    • Computing response is computationally expensive / time consuming
    • Easiest to apply when immediate response holds no real information
  • If overused => Increased Complexity and failure modes of system
  • Benefits
    • Higher availability
    • Reduces compute efforts for clients that might be doing long blocking calls while waiting for response
  • Strategy
    • Shunt requests into queue
    • Return job ID
    • Polling on state of job ID through event based system

  Client Side

  • Scenarios:
    • Service unreachable because of network conditions
    • Service returned non specific errors
    • Request denied because of authentication/authorization failure
    • Request invalid/malformed
    • Service rate-limits caller and sends backpressure signal (
  • Response to rate-limiting:
    • Exponential backoff retries
    • Self imposed throttling
  • Related concepts
    • Idempotency
    • Resilient API

  Techniques for enforcing rate limits

  Token Bucket

  • Balance of tokens
  • Service request => token withdrawn
    • Not necessarily 1:1
    • Depends on the request e.g. In Graphql service, 1 request might request in multiple API calls
  • No token => backpressure

  Leaky Bucket

  • Similar to token bucket
    • Rate is limited by amount that can drip/leak out of bucket ??? Idk

  Fixed Window

  • e.g. 3000 reqs per hour / 10 reqs per day
  • Susceptible to spikes at edge of window
    • e.g. 3000 reqs in first minute => service might be overwhelmed

  Sliding Window

  • Benefits of fixed window
    • Smoothens out bursts
  • Redis facilitates this technique with expiring keys
