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📎 #maven #wip


Build lifecycle

validatevalidates project structure / configuration
compilecompile source code
testrun unit tests
packagepackages compiled code into distributed format (e.g. JAR)
installinstall package into local maven repository
deploycpoies package into remote repository

Plugin Structure

  • id: (Optional) A unique identifier for this execution configuration.
  • phase: The Maven lifecycle phase during which you want the plugin to run.
  • goals: The specific plugin goals you want to execute.


Important Considerations

  • Phase Order
    • Maven phases execute in a specific order
    • (Consider the order if you want a plugin to run before another)
  • Default Bindings
    • Some plugins have default phase bindings
    • Can override these defaults with your own configuration
  • Multiple Executions
    • You can configure a plugin to execute in multiple phases with different goals or configurations by defining multiple <execution> blocks.


  • Gemini