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BatchUse ProcessWindowFunction to process all window events together
IncrementalUsing ReduceFunction or an AggregateFunction that is called as each event is assigned to the window
HybridCombine incremental results with ProcessWindowFunction for final processing

ProcessWindowFunction Example 

  • All of the events assigned to the window have to be buffered in keyed Flink state until the window is triggered > This is potentially quite expensive.
DataStream<SensorReading> input = ...;

.keyBy(x -> x.key)
.process(new MyWastefulMax());

public static class MyWastefulMax extends ProcessWindowFunction<
SensorReading, // input type
Tuple3<String, Long, Integer>, // output type
String, // key type
TimeWindow> { // window type

public void process(
String key,
Context context,
Iterable<SensorReading> events,
Collector<Tuple3<String, Long, Integer>> out) {

int max = 0;
for (SensorReading event : events) {
max = Math.max(event.value, max);
out.collect(Tuple3.of(key, context.window().getEnd(), max));
public abstract class Context implements {
public abstract W window();

public abstract long currentProcessingTime();
public abstract long currentWatermark();

public abstract KeyedStateStore windowState();
public abstract KeyedStateStore globalState();
  • windowState and globalState are places where you can store per-key, per-window, or global per-key information for all windows of that key
  • useful for getting information from current window when processing a subsequent window

Incremental Aggregation Example

DataStream<SensorReading> input = ...;

.keyBy(x -> x.key)
.reduce(new MyReducingMax(), new MyWindowFunction());

private static class MyReducingMax implements ReduceFunction<SensorReading> {
public SensorReading reduce(SensorReading r1, SensorReading r2) {
return r1.value() > r2.value() ? r1 : r2;

private static class MyWindowFunction extends ProcessWindowFunction<
SensorReading, Tuple3<String, Long, SensorReading>, String, TimeWindow> {

public void process(
String key,
Context context,
Iterable<SensorReading> maxReading,
Collector<Tuple3<String, Long, SensorReading>> out) {

SensorReading max = maxReading.iterator().next();
out.collect(Tuple3.of(key, context.window().getEnd(), max));

Iterable<SensorReading> will contain exactly one reading – the pre-aggregated maximum computed by MyReducingMax

Controlling Late Events


Events are dropped by default when using event time windows

  1. Arrange for the events that would be dropped to be collected to an alternate output stream instead, using  flink_side_outputs
  2. You can also specify an interval of allowed lateness during which the late events will continue to be assigned to the appropriate window(s) (whose state will have been retained)

By default each late event will cause the window function to be called again (sometimes called a late firing).


When the allowed lateness is greater than zero, only those events that are so late that they would be dropped are sent to the side output (if it has been configured)
