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📎 #observability #prometheus
Metrics based system that helps you collect / record metrics from your services
System Architecture

Pull based monitoring system
- Pulls data from a list of services
- List can be configured
- Statically
- Dynamically through service discovery
- List can be configured
- Stores data in a Time Series Database (TSDB)
- Can use to generate alerts through an Alertmanager
- Or query
Core Features
Data model
Tracks and stores time series values (Numeric values that change over time)
Sampled at specific points in time (prometheus pull interval)
Term | Description |
sample | |
series | a progression of samples |
series identifier | metric name and a set of labels |
metric name | what you are trying to measure |
label | key-value pairs that allow you to partition a metric name into individual time series |
target labels |
Transfer format
# HELP http_requests_total The total number of prrocessed HTTP requests.
# TYPE http_requests_total counter
http_requests_total{status="200"} 8556
http_requests_total{status="404"} 20
http_requests_total{status="500"} 68
# HELP process_open_fds Number of open file descripttors
# TYPE process_open_fds gauge
process_open_fds 32
It is text based so that no special libraries are needed to expose metrics
The above is scraped through a HTTP endpoint
Query language
For doing useful things with data stored in TSDB
Prom QL
- has many functions to do stuff with metrics (dimension based aggregations tec.)
- an be
- can be very mathy
Also based on PromQL
alert: Many500Errors
expr: |
sum by(path) (rate(http_requests_total{status="500"}[5m]))
sum by(path) (rate(http_requests_total[5m]))
) * 100 > 5
for: 5m
severity: "critical"
summary: "Many 500 errors for path {{$labels.path}} ({{$value}}%)"
Service Discovery
Prometheus easily integrates with many service discovery platforms