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📎 #log4j2
How to configure a custom plugin
This example is an attempt at a plugin that sanitizes sensitive fields from POJOs, but unfortunately doesn't work because the objects are transformed into Strings at this point
- Implement a plugin with the
@Plugin(name = "RuleBasedFilter", category = Node.CATEGORY, elementType = Filter.ELEMENT_TYPE)
public class LogFilter extends AbstractFilter {
private static final String NULL = "null";
public static LogFilter createFilter(Configuration config, Node node, String id, Filter filter) {
return new LogFilter(); // Pass the loaded rules to the constructor
public Filter.Result filter(LogEvent event) {
Object[] logParameters = event.getMessage().getParameters();
if (logParameters == null) {
return Result.NEUTRAL;
for (int i = 0; i < logParameters.length; i++) {
Object logParamObj = logParameters[i];
if (logParamObj == null) {
String className = logParamObj.getClass().getName();
Optional<LogFilterRule> optionalRule = LogFilterRuleCache.getRule(className);
if (optionalRule.isPresent()) {
String transformedInput =
transformInput(logParamObj, logParamObj.getClass().getSimpleName(), optionalRule.get());
logParameters[i] = transformedInput;
return Result.NEUTRAL;
private String transformInput(Object obj, String simpleClassName, LogFilterRule rule) {
String objFieldsString =
field -> {
try {
Object fieldValue = field.get(obj);
if (fieldValue == null) {
return String.format("%s=%s", field.getName(), NULL);
String valueClassName = fieldValue.getClass().getName();
Optional<LogFilterRule> optionalRule =
return optionalRule
logFilterRule ->
transformInput(fieldValue, simpleClassName, logFilterRule))
.orElseGet(() -> String.format("%s=%s", field.getName(), fieldValue));
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
return obj.toString(); // Should never happen, accessible set to true in cache
return String.format("%s=(%s)", simpleClassName, objFieldsString);
- Update
<Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
<ThresholdFilter level="INFO" onMatch="ACCEPT" onMismatch="DENY"/>
<RegexFilter regex="${LOGGING_EXCLUDE_REGEX}" useRawMsg ="false" onMatch="DENY" onMismatch="NEUTRAL"/>
<RuleBasedFilter />