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POJO (Plain ordinary Java object)

  • Simple Java object without any special restrictions or requirements Can be converted into
    • PO > After persistence
    • DTO
    • VO

PO (Persistant object)

  • Represents a table record in the database
  • Used to map database rows to Java objects
  • POs are managed by a persistence framework like Hibernate and typically reflect the database schema.

VO (Value object)

  • Used to transfer data between different layers, especially in the presentation layer (like a web page or UI)
  • Encapsulates data that is displayed on the UI
  • Can be derived from PO / DTO

BO (Business Object)

  • Encapsulates business logic and can contain multiple POs or other objects
  • Represents a business concept, like a customer or order
  • May combine data from multiple sources

DTO (Data Transfer Objects)

  • Used to transfer data between processes or over a network, especially in remote calls or APIs
  • DTOs often contain a subset of data from one or more POs to avoid exposing the entire database schema.

DAO (data Access Object)

  • Provides an interface for accessing data from a database
  • Contains methods for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations
  • Works closely with POs to interact with the database
