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Hologres architecture

Computing layer

Frontend (FE)

  • An FE authenticates, parses, and optimizes SQL statements
  • A Hologres instance has multiple FEs

Hologres is ecologically compatible with PostgreSQL 11. You can use the standard PostgreSQL syntax for development or use PostgreSQL-compatible development tools and Business Intelligence (BI) tools to connect to Hologres.




  • SE manages and processes data
  • Allows you to perform create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations on data


The Cache component caches query results to improve query performance

HOS Scheduler

Provides lightweight scheduling capabilities.

Meta Service

  • Manages metadata and provides metadata for FEs
  • Metadata includes table structures and data distribution on SE.

Holo Master


Hologres is natively deployed in a Kubernetes cluster

If a worker node in the cluster is faulty, the cluster creates another worker node within a short period to ensure worker node-level availability

Holo Master maintains component availability within each worker node

If a component enters an abnormal state, Holo Master restarts the component within a short period to recover the services provided by the component.

Storage layer

  • Hologres data is stored in the pangu file system.
  • Hologres can access MaxCompute data that is stored in Pangu
  • Pangu implements efficient mutual access between Hologres and MaxCompute
  • Hologres can access the data in Object Storage Service (OSS) and Data Lake Formation (DLF) to accelerate analysis in data lakes
