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Index Management

Basic stuff

Creating Index

"settings": { ...settings },
"mappings": {
"type_one": { ...any mappings ...},
"type_two": { ...any mappings ...},

Deleting Index

DELETE /my_index
DELETE /index_one,index_two
DELETE /index_*



Don't modify ES defaults unless you know what you are doing

  • number_of_shards
    • Number of primary shards an indexG should have
    • default 5
    • cannot be changed after indxe creation
  • number_of_replicas
    • Number of replica shards each primary shard should have
    • default 1
    • Can be changed at any time

Configuring Analyzers / Custom Analyzers


Skipped for now

Types and Mappings

How Lucene sees Doucments

  • Simple list of field-value pairs
  • Field
    • At least one value
    • Can have multiple values
  • All values treated as opaque bytes (converted to bytes)

How types are implemented

  • Store the type name of each document in _type
  • Filter using this field
  • Mapping is handled by ES
    • Lucene has no concept of 'mapping'