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17032024 1450

Tags: #threejs #performance


  • Avoid all together
  • Avoid adding / removing
  • Use cheaper lights
    • AmbientLight
    • DirectionalLight


  • Avoid all together
  • Use alternatives like baked shadows
  • Optimize shadow maps if still need
    1. Use cameraHelper
    2. See area used
    3. Use it to set the smallest resolution possible
  • Use castShadow / receiveShadow on as few objects as possible
  • Deactivate shadow auto update
renderer.shadowMap.autoUpdate = false;
renderer.shadowMap.needsUpdate = true;


  • Try to reduce resolution to minimum
  • Keep size to power of 2
  • Use right format


  • Use BufferGeometries
    • Don't really need to care if using newer versions of ThreeJS
  • Don't update vertices > Use shaders
  • Don't create unnecessary Geometries (the article uses the term mutualize)


  • Don't create unnecessary Meshes (the article uses the term mutualize)
  • Use cheaper materials
    • Expensive
      • MeshStandardMaterial
      • MeshPhysicalMaterial
    • Cheaper
      • MeshBasicMaterial
      • MeshLambertMaterial
      • MeshPhongMaterial


  • Use low poly models
    • use normal maps (cheaper) if need details
  • Draco compression
    • For high poly models
    • Reduces weight
    • Drawback: Partial freeze when unzipping
  • Gzip
    • Server side compression? not very sure


  • Frustum Culling: Don't render objects not in view
  • Adjust camera values
    • near
    • far


  • Limit pixel ratio (2)
  • Set powerPreference to high
  • Disable antiAlias unless necessary

Post Processing

  • Limit number of passes


  • Don't use control flow
  • #define over variables
  • Use textures rather than perlin noise functions
  • Do calculation in vertex shader and pass the result to fragment shader
